Appalachian Pregnancy Care Center



Earn While You Learn Program

EARN WHILE YOU LEARN  (EWYL) is based on a simple belief that providing useful knowledge and aid to those in crisis pregnancies is a vital part of their sucess. We teach the skills a mother or father needs in order to become a good parent and supply items that can help them in that process. Learn More


Pregnancy Testing

Self-administered free pregnancy test.


Abortion Recovery

Post Abortion Counseling Education (P.A.C.E.) this program allows women to share emotions and work toward healing.


Adoption Education

Counseling and information about options concerning adoption.


Character Education

Presentations to Schools, Colleges and Youth Groups.


Baby and Maternity Resources

We supply material items for mother and baby. 


Counseling Sessions

We strive to provide a safe, confidential, judgment-free environment where you can find support and clarity about how to move forward.

Our peer counselors will also help you get connected to information and resources. 


Healthy Pregnancy 

We provide a plan that encourages follow-up with a physician, good nutrition, exercise, and emotional support.


Healthy Relationships

We educate on risk factors on the home environment for all family members.


Parenting & Life Skills

APCC offers various Care Net Parenting and Life Skill classes. We are a  proud affiliate of Care Net. 


This program prepares young men to become serving fathers and equips them for the challenges that lie ahead.



We provide referrals to other agencies within our twelve community service area. 


Community Presentations

We are available to present APCC programs to your churches, organizations, etc.


College & Career Access Counselor 

Once a month we provide a counselor to help with FAFSA applications, GED classes, and college entrance.


Nutrition Classes

Once a month our nutritionist provides healthy cooking classes to promote a healthy lifestlye for APCC clients.


Monthly Girls Night Out

Once a month we provide a special event for moms to spend time with one another for fun and relaxation.


Special Circumstances Class

This class deals with clients who find themselves with issues such as drugs, abuse, alcohol, etc.


Grandparenting Class

“There are many reasons grandparents find themselves raising their grandchildren. In other words, they’ve stepped up because their own adult child is incapable of raising their own child.”

Appalachian Pregnancy Care Center will expand its services by integrating a new grandparent’s class through our Earn While You Learn program and our Girls’ Night Out events.

APCC does not perform or refer for abortion services and provides a written disclaimer to this effect to all clients requesting services.